My Current Life Goal: Become 100 Times More Selfish.

God bless those who are all *quite clear* about what they want from others and what others can do for them.
What they offer and what they can do for you…!?
Not so clear.
Often absent, entirely, in fact.
Don’t you love when you think you’re doing someone a favor… and they think they’re doing YOU a favor!?
Not on the same page by a long shot. Better you save your time and energy for yourself.
For those without the tendency to pathologize or project, the phrasing comes from Thomas Leonard and his ideas of a “super reserve”: Principle #1. Become Incredibly Selfish – increase your boundaries by 100x. You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.~ William Blake
The issue starts with you. If you are unsure what you need, if you fail to make what you need a requirement, if you don’t ensure your needs are met… that’s all on YOU.
Not others.
Likewise, others appreciating you makes a poor substitute for your own appreciation of yourself. If you are not too large for the place you occupy, you are too small for it.~ James A. Garfield
“The real opportunities are the ones that others cannot see because they are too busy getting by or solving problems or dealing with life. With a Reserve, you can afford to feel/sense a LOT more.
“They say it takes money to make money and the same is true about time, love, relationships, space, momentum and opportunities — you have to have a reserve (extra) of these in order to easily / immediately / quickly respond to events and emerging opportunities. Without enough Reserve, we miss out on the real opportunities.
“[Once you’ve built a Reserve,] you will steer away from people who don’t have a Reserve. You’ll see them as risks that are not worth dealing with. Somewhat cruel, but true.”
~ Thomas Leonard
That’s what I’m working on. That’s my current goal.

Whatever you want in life – to start a business, obtain a graduate degree, or find the love of your life – I’ve led thousands of people in reaching dreams just like yours. And I KNOW you’re capable of reaching success with the help of my coaching. Reach out now and I’ll even offer you the first session for free!
——— Start here, start now! ————-

“Mark’s deep coaching skills are profoundly insightful. As a coach who shows up fully and authentically, there is no stone he leaves unturned to help his clients see for themselves the highest future vision of themselves and then… he goes that extra mile to ensure that they have all the support that they need to actualize that vision. I am very grateful to Mark’s challenging yet nurturing coaching approach which is a perfect balance to have on the journey to true transformation.“— Monica Mascarenhas
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