Your Success Baseline

While Life Success Engine is focused on high achievement and high performance, have you ever wondered what your success baseline should be? That is, what is the minimum life success you should aim for?
With pleasure, lets discuss a desired baseline for life success. Do not be too concerned if you fall short – if you are like 99% of us it is highly likely that you fall short of even some of just these minimum measurements. That should not stop you from reaching for high achievement in other areas… but it should also give you some new, very practical goals to add to your Master Life Goals List!
Life works as a synergy: as you strengthen your health, your mind will work better. If you are at peace, you will be able to focus better on your career and wealth. If your wealth is growing, it allows you better health care and eating. Every system – mind, body, spirit, relationships and wealth – works together to strengthen or weaken the other systems. By strengthening one, you strengthen them all.
Look at the list below, then copy and past those areas you need work in and begin your own Master Life Goal List. Literally do this now: open your favorite word processor or get out pen and paper and take notes as you read. Do not “do it later” as taking powerful action now is your first, best step to changing these!
Post it to the Life Success Engine Community. Then choose one or two of the specific measurements to focus on improving over the next week to several months. If you focus your attention, track your actions publicly and take steps forward each day you are virtually guaranteed to improve until every system is operating, supporting your ultimate success!
Without further ado, here are the baselines – the minimum* – you should be aiming for:
- Possess a 4-year college education.
- Understand the scientific method.
- Have Internet research skills including the ability to find answers, as well as verify accuracy, scientific or clinical evidence and veracity.
- Possess an understanding of common logical fallacies and cognitive biases
- Have willingness to examine your own thinking for hypocrisy, logical fallacies, and cognitive biases.
- Develop Self-awareness: awareness and empathy for your self-identity, emotions, wants, needs and beliefs, along with an understanding of effective ways of dealing with those.
- Have access to or currently work with a psychologist (for emotional challenges), life coach (for high performance) or mentor (for your career).
- Read >10 non-fiction books a year.
- Consistently seek education whether by self-study, online classes or higher education.
- Blood pressure of 120 (systolic) / 80 (diastolic) and under control.
- Have had a complete eye exam within the past two years. (Glaucoma check, vision test).
- Body weight within your ideal range.
- Body fat percentage <25% for women <20% for men. (Both the Fitbit Aria Scale or the InBody Band 2 are good options for tracking this.)
- Have a total cholesterol below 4 mmol/L; LDL: below 2 mmol/L; HDL: above 1 mmol/L; Triglycerides below 1.5 mmol/L and a ratio of total cholesterol to HDL of <5.
- Have a fasting plasma glucose test (FPG) lower than 100 milligrams per deciliter.
- One-Mile (1.6 km) Run Time of <10 min., VO2Peak >42.5 mL/kg/min for men, >33.0 mL/kg/min for women or peak exercise capacity (expressed as METs by most studies) of >8.
- Get at least 20 minutes a day or 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a week.
- Sufficient sleep so that you feel mentally and physically rejuvenated when you awaken, typically 7+ hours of quality sleep per day.
- Use -0- zero tobacco products and <2 alcoholic drinks a day.
- Have excellent medical insurance.
- Have a rewarding life beyond your work or profession and have something to look forward to virtually every day.
- Feel predominantly at peace with most of your life traumas adequately addressed.
- Have beliefs that support your and other’s peace, success and contribution to the world.
- Consistently have adequate time, space and freedom in your life.
- Have an environment that surrounds you with beauty and is productive and inspiring.
- Possess actions congruent with, committed to and devoted to the doctrines of your faith.
- Seek spiritual guidance in making life choices however you define that.
- Regularly connect with your higher power through worship, prayer, yoga, meditation, or other activities.
- Have a well-developed personal sense of morality that is congruent with your spiritual understanding or traditions.
- Have a circle of family and/or friends who love and appreciate you for who you are (not just what you do) and support you in the ways you want to grow.
- Have at least one best friend or soulmate, and several people you consider real friends that you meet, in person, from time to time.
- Have resolved any troubled relationships so that there is no one you would dislike running across, you have healed the relationships you are able to and you have let go of the relationships which drag you down or damage me.
- Work to put people first and results second.
- Not gossip or talk about others.
- Live life on your terms, not by the rules or preferences of others.
- Work to not judge, criticize, talk about or gossip about others.
- Make requests rather than complain and tell people how they can satisfy you.
- Work to quickly correct miscommunications and misunderstandings when they do occur, taking responsibility for your actions and working to cooperate for each other’s highest good.
- Have 6 months wages in savings or a money market account.
- Make automatic or consistent retirement contributions.
- Save 10% or more of your income.
- Possess a career that fulfills your passions and needs for contribution.
- Your income is stable and predictable; and you earn more than you spend.
- Assets > liabilities.
- -0- unsecured debt.
- Have a FICO credit score above 700.
- Have written career/professional/business goals.
- Your assets (car, home, possessions, treasures and life (if you have dependents)) are well-insured.
- Have passive income that gives you or is building towards time and location freedom.
How Do You Measure Up?
So, now that you have read this list, what measurements do YOU think should be included!? Please: pitch in your thoughts to this article’s community thread.
Next, chose one or two measurements and start a thread in the LSE Community sharing what measurement you are aiming for, how long you are giving yourself to reach that and your brief plan for how you will get there! The Community will support you in your success and in no time you will find yourself in a far better space than you are now!
*Please note: these lists are not intended to replace, supplement or assist any professional diagnosis, advice or counseling. These are merely opinions and should not be applied to every person. You should ALWAYS consult with hired, competent, licensed medical, legal, financial, psychological, and advising professionals, along with your best judgment before taking any action.
The author and Life Success Engine cannot and does not assume responsibility for any choice, action, consequence or outcome taken by the reader and does not assume any liabilities of any kind for any physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial damages, including, but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential or other damages.

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“Mark’s deep coaching skills are profoundly insightful. As a coach who shows up fully and authentically, there is no stone he leaves unturned to help his clients see for themselves the highest future vision of themselves.“
Home › Mastermind › Your Success Baseline
Tagged: Life Success, motivation, Relationships, Spirit, top 10 for success
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