How YOU Can ROCK Business Networking for You and Your Business’ Success

“Business networking.” There are a few things that most business owners hate… and this one tends to rank right up near the top. Awkwardly shuffling around a tradeshow or business networking event and either trying to get a word in edgewise to “sell” yourself OR being subjected to self-centered promotions by others doesn’t sound like anyone’s idea of an enjoyable time.
And yet, this “Bad Boy” of Life Success is going to offer you the same truth that doesn’t represent well in traditional, woo-woo “empowerment,” but IS really the way the world works: Success is NOT what you know. Success is WHO you know.

Your success is DIRECTLY tied to who you know, who you hang out with, what (real) connections you have on and what “pull” you have with them. With that in mind… here is MY simple, straight-forward suggestion for how YOU can ROCK business networking for you and your business’ success:
- Take a genuine interest in them.
- Promote yourself shamelessly. That means WITHOUT SHAME, it does NOT mean “self-interestedly.”
- Determine quickly if there’s a mutual, COOPERATIVE need
- If no, determine quickly if there’s a singular need EITHER WAY (they may need from you; you may need from them)
- If yes to either GET SOMETHING ON THE BOOKS TODAY (even if exploratory)
- If no, ensure you understand what they do/need; check if they understand what you do/need. Ask them to refer if they DO know of anyone that needs what you do AND GENUINELY keep them in mind as you move on with your life, looking to refer
- SCHEDULE (because we don’t leave success to chance) a follow up with them just continuing to get to know them and/or referring to them or asking them to refer to you.
- Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Taking a genuine, altruistic interest in others AND being blatant (but not purely self-interested) in what makes you, your business or product shine is the magic combination. Your genuine interest in them is magnetic and sets the tone for how others should view what makes you special; your genuine desire to help them succeed with business or referrals sets the tone for how they can approach your offer.
Further, relationships – not even business relationships – are built from single interactions. Every relationship grows over a series of connections. Your follow up doesn’t have to be deep or time consuming… it just has to be genuine.
Lastly, not everyone will become a connection: a great many people are not meant for you or your business. Be genuine. Be curious and altruistic. Be clearly self-promotional along with those… and easily let go of those not meant for your business so you can focus you limited time and attention on the people who DO resonate with you!
Pitch in your best tips for business networking success tips below and let’s all support each other in driving business to ourselves AND each other!
Your Partner in Success,
~ Mark

Whatever you want in life – to start a business, obtain a graduate degree, or find the love of your life – I’ve led thousands of people in reaching dreams just like yours. And I KNOW you’re capable of reaching success with the help of my coaching. Reach out now and I’ll even offer you the first session for free!

“Mark’s deep coaching skills are profoundly insightful. As a coach who shows up fully and authentically, there is no stone he leaves unturned to help his clients see for themselves the highest future vision of themselves and then… he goes that extra mile to ensure that they have all the support that they need to actualize that vision. I am very grateful to Mark’s challenging yet nurturing coaching approach which is a perfect balance to have on the journey to true transformation.“~ Monica Mascarenhas, Empowerment Coach
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