Take Off the Reins

Published April 12, 2022 by Mark Farmer in Spirit
Be yourself
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God bless those who never question themselves, if you’re like most of us, there will be a time you do. In fact… if you’re like most of us you may OFTEN question yourself.

“Maybe I am not capable of this. Maybe people are expecting too much. Maybe… I can’t do this.

You may wish that you thought differently, acted differently or were simply a different person.  You may wish that you could change yourself.

Why in the world would you want to!?  The Universe created you this way and it is magnificent.  It is perfect just as it is.

But, you think, being the way you are causes pain.

No:  your misperceptions cause you pain.  You think you are rejected because of your imagined faults.  The fact is, that when others rejecting you it is because you remind them of what they are afraid of. It is not your faults, uniqueness or humanness they are rejecting… it is their own selves, being reminded themselves of having faults, being unique or being human.

I know:  the answer may be, “Fuck you.  Because whatever in the fuck reason it is… _I_ am feeling rejected.  And that hurts.”

And so I ask, do you accept yourself?  And are you hurting because others are rejecting you…?  Or are you hurting because you are using your projections, your interpretation of their actions… to reject *yourself*?

And you might answer back again, “Well, fuck you.  Again.  So… how do I STOP rejecting myself?”

How? …you just *accept* yourself.

And that answer may frustrate you.  HOW do you “just accept” yourself!?

You stop judging yourself.  You stop ruling each aspect of yourself, each thought, each *quality* (because they’re all qualities… none are liabilities – again you were created in perfectly imperfect perfection) as “good” or “bad,” as “right” or “wrong.”

I “get” it:  you want to move forward in your life.  That requires judgment.  That requires sifting through thoughts and actions to determine which move you forward and which are holding you back.

But breathe. That all is too much thought; too much work.  “Movement forward” is self-evident.  You’re either moving forward towards your chosen direction… or you’re not. And no, not everyone will accept you… but the right ones will. And more important thatn whether others accept you… is whether you accept yourself.

You don’t have to throw the vast resources of your mind into figuring out every nuance and strategy for how to be liked, how to progress or how to succeed.  Maybe just live a little more.  Just be you a little MORE… or a little deeper.  Take off the reins.

“Take off the reins!?” you might say.

I would not be surprised it that panicked you. 

“Take off the reins,” you may say, “If I’m not goofy/inept/stupid/whatever-words-you-use-to-put-yourself-down-with enough as it is; if I’m not flawed ENOUGH as it is… let’s just see how it is when I ‘take off the reins!’” you might say.

To which I’d say: breathe.  It’s not “taking off the reins” of your imagine (or very real) flaws (although it might be taking off the reins of your fears and reactions to FOCUSING on your imagined or real flaws – those fears with probably ARE overwhelming). 

But it is taking the reins off of *living*. 

Stop so carefully measuring each action.  Stop so carefully measuring each reaction.  Just be.  Live.  Take your reins off of *that.*

And if you don’t know how?

Then practice.  Make lots of mistakes at it and practice.  You’ll get it.  I know you will.

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Mark Farmer's deep coaching skills are profoundly insightful.
— Monica Mascarenhas

Mark’s deep coaching skills are profoundly insightful. As a coach who shows up fully and authentically, there is no stone he leaves unturned to help his clients see for themselves the highest future vision of themselves.

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