5 Steps to More Confident Decision-Making

We have all been faced with decisions we felt unsure about. For many of life’s most important decisions it is often unclear what might be the best course of action. How do you make a good decision? What are the steps to more confident decision-making? If you’re having trouble feeling confident in your actions and wish you had an unwavering self-belief in your decisions, it may be time to improve your decision-making process.
We all wish instinct and even dumb luck would lead us on the right path. But decisions made impulsively or without careful thought might not only turn out poorly, they might also even make things worse!
But what if there was a way to make good decisions inevitable rather than accidental? Imagine for a moment how it would feel to know the right choice before you even act?
To gain confidence in your decision-making ability and the path you have chosen for your life, know that there are steps you should be going through when making a decision that will result in better choices and better outcomes:
Start With an Open Mind
Has low self-esteem, your ego’s need or, perhaps even repetition made you feel you automatically have all the answers? Although it is difficult to have the self-awareness to know when this is occurring, if you have noticed that you have unexpected conflicts or problems if may be that some of your beliefs might be biased, faulty, or illogical. This, actually, shouldn’t surprise you: we ALL fall prey to errors in thinking. Such errors are so common there is even a name for them: logical fallacies and cognitive distortions.
Accepting that you mind naturally falls prey to such errors goes a LONG way towards both self-awareness, better logical thinking and better decisions. Allowing room for yourself to be human and possibly wrong may be the first and most crucial step to making EFFECTIVE decisions. Take a step back from everything but the raw facts regarding what you’re trying to decide.
Get the Facts
Do you have all the information you need to make an informed decision? Are there things you need to learn? What about examining the options? Have you considered multiple solutions? Take time to put the work in to gather what you need to proceed with confidence.
Try to Predict the Future
Once you have some choices in mind, try to imagine how they’re going to play out. Sometimes what looks good might be a great temporary solution, but you’re going to need to do something different in the long run. If you make a certain decision right now, ask yourself if this will still be a good decision in the morning? What about next week? Or next year?
Get Another Opinion
Consciously seeking alternative perspectives can be PARTICULARLY helpful. It’s common that other’s will see a perspective we don’t. Yet others may have knowledge and experience we don’t. Such perspectives and experience can be pivotal to making your best decision.
Do you have a mentor or someone you can trust whom you could talk to about this? If not, consider the LifeSuccessEngine.com Community as a resource FULL of other’s with a vast range of life experience and knowledge.
While you might skip this step on small decisions, it’s worth having someone you trust weigh in with their opinion whenever you make a big decision. They might truly see something you’re missing.
Sometimes the hardest part of making decisions lies in making the actual decision. It’s tempting to go back over the research a few more times or keep looking for other alternatives. At some point, you’re going to need to act. Take your best solution and move forward with it with confidence. You’ve done all the work. Now comes the part where you put this newfound trust in yourself into action.
Confident Decision-Making is a Learned Skill
The best part of practicing these steps is that the more you run through this process, the more confident you can feel knowing you are making the best decisions you are able. Removing your ego; looking at all the knowledge and getting an outside perspective will go a long way towards better decisions, learning from your prior decisions and learning to trust in your confident decision-making abilities!

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“Mark’s deep coaching skills are profoundly insightful. As a coach who shows up fully and authentically, there is no stone he leaves unturned to help his clients see for themselves the highest future vision of themselves.“
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