400+ Incredible Affirmations for Success (Plus The Secret to Powerful, Life-Changing Affirmations!)
You may have seen the incredibly endearing video of 4-year-old Jessica confidently speaking affirmations aloud in her bathroom mirror:
We all wish that we could muster half the confidence and power Jessica speaks into her affirmations! 😅
Although Jessica’s father explained in the video that Jessica didn’t regularly say affirmations and that this video was simply a random occurrence, WE CAN work to bring the power of Jessica’s confident, powerful affirmations to OUR daily self-talk!
Science has told us that the messages you give yourself DO have an effect on how you feel, motivation and performance. So, what is the secret to powerful, life-changing affirmations?
What Are Affirmations?
Affirmations are short, positive statements, often said aloud, as a way of focusing your mind on a desired outcome — feeling, event or object — that you would like to bring into your life. Affirmations are instructions to our subconscious and conscious mind telling it what outcomes to look for, what opportunities to look for, help identify pathways or outcomes to and focus attention, energy and time on.
How You Can Make Your Affirmations Incredibly Powerful!

First, affirm the presence or development of something; affirm to yourself the feeling of already having what you desire.
Notice that saying, “You want more money,” only affirms the want and not the presence of more money. We’re not reinforcing “wants.” The goal is reinforcing; amplifying the PRESENCE or development of something. Because of that affirmations are most powerful when said in present or future tense:
- You are happy.
- You are becoming happy.
- You are becoming happier.
Including both present and future tense, likewise, imbues your affirmations with all the power you can!
Be as specific as you’re able. Rather than I want a lot of money,” say, “I am accruing one million dollars” or “I am earning a million dollars this year.”
Phrase Affirmations in the Second- (“You”) or Third- (your name) Person
Although it sounds odd, a study published in the journal of personality and social psychology found that affirmations in the second- (“you”) or third-person (your name) were more effective in reducing stress and anxiety than using first-person ones (“I am…”).
The study came about when Ethan Koss, one of the study’s researchers, noticed that some athletes refer to themselves in the third-person and began wondering whether that phrasing made any difference in the efficacy of affirmations. It turns out it does and second- or third-person phrasing was most effective.
That being said, many a person will relate that it feels unnatural to simply refer to themselves in the second or third person. Because of that I often suggest to life coaching clients that they include all three – first, second AND third person affirmations:
- I am happy in every way.
- You are happy in every way.
- Mark is happy in every way.
Although psychological research says that second- or third-person is most powerful, it takes little to toss in an “I am…” statement to mix in any power that brings too!
Present Tense or Future Tense?
When you write your affirmations, write them in the present tense or active future-tense (e.g. “am accumulating…” or “am realizing.”).
Do not use words like, “Within the next two months…”. Why? Because every time you use this affirmation, you are saying that you are still two months away from achieving your goal!
Write as though you are experiencing what you desire right now:
“You are healing”
“You are a wonderful and gifted artist”
Neither of these make reference to dates or time, but are simple, powerful affirmations of already having.
Write Your Affirmations in the Positive
Write affirmations are about what you want in your life… not what you don’t want. Saying such things as “I am not poor,” simply confuses the subconscious and places the emphasis in an unhelpful place than would, “I am rich.” Now shore that affirmation up in the third person (“You are rich”) and be specific about how you’re defining “rich.” (You are attaining a $100,000 a year income.”) Make your own affirmation the sign you’ve been looking for!

If dealing with illness or dysfunctions (compulsions like alcohol, eating, codependency or drugs) consider phrasing your affirmations as “free from…” or, even better, “desire to [the positive opposite of what every you want to be free from]…” (E.g. “You desire only breathing nice fresh air each day,” or “desire sobriety,” or “desire first focusing in a healthy manner on my own needs and taking care of myself.”)
If you ever become stuck, unsure how to write an affirmation in the positive, just imagine that you have already accomplished whatever it is that you wish to achieve, then describe yourself in that positive light.
Alternatively, phrase it as your joy or gratitude for something you are already experiencing or having; the wonderful things that you desire, becoming “You get joy from… (or that…)” or “You are grateful having….”
For example:
“You are overjoyed for your improving health!” or “Your joyfully earning money, accumulating $10,000 and more!”
Alternative phasing includes:
“You know…”
“You love that…”
“You’re joyful…”
“It give you pleasure…”
“You have…”
…or any other positive, affirmative statement.
Use Emotion
You infuse your affirmations with great power when you use powerfully evocative works – emotion and strong phrasing simply lends momentum, belief and strength to your affirmations! Compare “I am earning lots of money,” with “I am overjoyed to know the peace and power of thousands in savings in my bank!” or “I am so excited to be wealthy at last”.
Allow for quicker or larger results
While naming specific numbers (e.g. “One million dollars”) or target dates (“by my birthday this year), you should ensure you don’t undersell or delay the potential of your success. Always phrase amounts as “X or more” (“one million or more dollars”) and dates as “on or before [specific date].” This allows for a greater or quicker success that you intended!
Additionally and in summary, although any affirmation is better than none, affirmations are most powerful when:
- Affirmations Include your name or identify that it is you that wants/will experience or have this
- Are specific in the outcome, amounts or dates
- Are framed in the positive (what you want, rather than what you don’t)
- Phrased in the second or third person
- Phrased in the present or developing tense
- Spoken while looking at oneself in the mirror, a live video camera or while taping your own voice; or written out by hand
- Are phrased as if you already had the outcome
- Are phrased to allow for more or faster success
- One tip: to REALLY make your affirmations powerful SAY THEM OUT LOUD. Not only will you be cementing the outcome in your conscious, you’ll cement it in your sub-conscious by allowing yourself to hear the outcome.
What is an Example of a Well-Written, Powerful Affirmation?
Here’s one effective format for your affirmations:
You, Mark Farmer, have a successful online business. You, Mark Farmer, are going to have a successful online business.
By including your name (and twice, no less) you are cementing who this outcome belongs to. With this format you’ve both stated what you want and phrased it as if you already had it.
Powerful stuff. Here’s another examle:
You, Mark Farmer, are going to earn a million dollars on or before [specific date]. You, Mark Farmer, are earning a million dollars before [specific date].
When Do You Use Affirmations?
Affirmations are best used as a foundation, repeating them until they easily and naturally come to mind. That’s best accomplished with repetition. Many will use affirmations upon arising, before bed or as as something to return to, time and time again, in time of need (not necessarily “times of weakness” or “times of despair” — “time of need” could be an incredibly powerful moment, when have moved forcefully forward in my life).
Tony Robbins “spin” on that same theme is to use affirmations as “anchors” (although, certainly, there is much more to NLP anchors than just Robbin’s use of them with affirmations).
What are a few examples of affirmations that I’ve used consistently and powerfully? In times of trouble or doubt, “No matter what happens, I’ll be okay.” In times I’m moving forward: “I can. I will. I am.” In times of confusion: “God will just have to take care of tomorrow. All I need to focus on is today and the next step.” In response to my own other other’s doubt (e.g. in answer to the inner or outer voice saying “you can’t do that…”) : “Watch me.”
A simple routine that many follow is repeating your affirmation 50 times in the morning after arising, 50 times in the evening prior to going to bed, and as frequently as needed during the day.
More examples of traditional affirmations?
“I am wealthy beyond my recognition.”
“All I give comes back to me.”
“I focus on my joy.
“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better” ~ Émile Coué
These are older, well-established affirmations you may have read or heard others using in the past. Notice that in the past other’s would use the first-person “I…” and it’s possible all of these my resonate much more powerfully when rephrased in the second-person we now know is more effective.
Affirm Your Current Successes As Well!
Your affirmations don’t all have to be about things that you want or don’t have. Use affirmations to affirm what you already have and your thankful gratitude for having.

Too often our minds center around scarcity or lack, instead of the abundance we already have or positive things about ourselves or life already present. When writing affirmations include some of the things that are already great or appreciated. Doing so will reinforce the positivity already present, allowing you to be more open to accepting the things you still desire and who you would like to become.
Have fun with it
Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself, sing your affirmation or simply have fun with them. Consider starting some of your affirmations by expressing gratitude such as, “I am so happy and grateful that…” Adding emotion to your affirmations make them stronger, so sing them out! Feel free to play with what works for you – change phrasing, find evocative, emotional words; try saying them with different tone or while listening to empowering music as music has a hugely powerful effect on emotion!
What if Your Desired Affirmations are Challenged By Your Limiting Beliefs?
If you find that some of your affirmations are a bit difficult to believe, you can inspire your subconscious by adding “You choose…” to them. For example, rather than writing “I am fit and healthy”, you could write “You choose to eat well and to exercise today”.
Another way to work on a deep level with affirmations is to transform your thinking patterns by focusing on your expectations. For instance, “You expect success in everything you do” can feel incredibly powerful as compared to “You are successful in everything you do.” By writing about what you choose to expect to happen, you help to dissolve underlying or subconscious doubts and imbue your affirmations with even greater power!
400+ Life Changing Affirmations
Here are some of our favorite 400+ life changing affirmations!

Affirmations for Self-Empowerment
You are the architect of your life.
You are the creator of your destiny.
You find, manifest and make your own “luck.”
You are the creator of your life.
You accept and love yourself just the way you are.
You are creative and bursting with brilliant ideas.
Affirmations for a Positive Spirit
The universe supports you in every possible way.
You are supported and loved by god (or: the creator/universe/etc.)
You are able to conquer all the challenges you are confronted with.
You are able to achieve whatever you desire.
Your potential to succeed is infinite.
Affirmations for Peace and Serenity
You are at peace with your past.
Your body is relaxed. Your mind is calm. Your soul is at peace.
You are patient, diplomatic and tolerant.
You radiate love, happiness, grace and positivity.
You choose peace.
No matter what happens, even if it’s not what you want, you’ll be okay.
You let go of everything that worries me. You will confront these challenges tomorrow.
Your mind is at peace.
Affirmations for Positive Thinking and Gratitude
You are enough.
You are grateful for the wonders in your life.
Everything you seek can be found within.
Every experience in your life helps you to grow.
Today you lay the foundation for a wonderful future.
You are safe and protected by the Infinite Is.
You speak kindly of others.
You set yourself free by forgiving yourself.
You matter and are needed.

“Whatever happens, even if it’s not what you want, good can come of it.”— Mark Farmer, Founder, LifeSuccessEngine.com
Affirmations For Self-Esteem
You did your best in that moment.
You love yourself.
You know you are evolving powerfully.
You accept yourself completely including parts of you that are challenging.
You become excited at problems, seeing them as interesting challenges.
You are worthy of happiness and love.
Self-Confidence Affirmations
You can achieve greatness.
You have confidence in your abilities and skills.
You make sound decisions.
You are becoming more confident and stronger each day.
You are becoming more knowledgeable and wiser with each day.
You radiate confidence.
Affirmations to Be Strong; Affirmations for Strength
Challenges bring out the best in you.
You overcome your fears by facing them.
You are bold and courageous.
You face difficulty with courage.

Affirmations for Love
Everywhere you go, love is there.
Your heart is open. You are kind to every person you meet.
You are surrounded by love. You attract kind people.
You love unconditionally and without hesitation.
You deserve love. You are oved and appreciated by those around me.
Relationship Affirmations
Love, forgiveness and understanding is the very foundation of your relationship.
You give and receive love equally.
You accept your partner unconditionally.
You are treasured for who you really am.
Your marriage/relationship is becoming stronger, deeper and more loving with every day.
Money And Wealth Affirmations
You attract money effortlessly and easily.
You continuously discover new avenues of income.
You are open to all the wealth life has to offer.
You use money to better other people’s lives.
You attract lucrative opportunities to create money.
You attract abundance into your life.
You deserve wealth.
You let yourself be rich; you give that to yourself.
Your job is only part of your wealth.
Prosperity And Abundance Affirmations
You see abundance everywhere.
You are becoming more and more prosperous with every day.
Life takes care of all your needs.
Your life is full of prosperity.
You are surrounded by abundance.
You deserve abundance and prosperity.
Health Affirmations
Every day, in every way, you are becoming healthier.
You are healthy, energetic and optimistic.
You are full of vitality.
You take good care of your body and eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.
Your body is a sacred temple. You keep it clean and honor it.
You exercise regularly and strengthen your body.
Your body is perfect in the way it’s intended to be.
Work, Business And Career Affirmations
Your job adds satisfaction and fulfillment to your life.
Your work/business makes a profound difference in this world.
You are exactly where want to be professionally. Your career provides you the right opportunities to grow.
You ask for meaningful work and perform it with the greatest diligence and attention.
You are building a successful business.
You create value with your service. Your business is a gift to this world.
You are savvy in business
While you learn without mistakes, you also learn from mistakes making you a better businessman/businesswoman.
You choose a career that adds more to your life than it takes away and offers more than wealth.
You are valued and appreciated at your workplace. Your voice is valued.
Spiritual Affirmations
Spirit is your direction.
The divine guides all your actions.
You are divinely guided.
You are and take action in alignment with the universe.
God’s grace and love is working through you.
You see yourself and the spark of divinity in others.

Affirmations For Hope: When You Feel Hopeless
Your choices lead you upwards.
You are find positivity in every situation.
You are optimistic, even when dealing with difficulties.
There is good to be found in every situation, even if you may not see it at the moment.
There is always another way.
Either you can change things or you can’t. Either way brings peace.
Affirmations For Tranquility: When You Are Angry
You stay calm, even in frustrating situations.
You forgive and love others for being humanly imperfect.
You forgive yourself for being humanly imperfect, along with your perceived failures and shortcomings.
Your anger is transient and may help provide the energy for change and clarity.
You are compassionate with others and yourself.
You are forgiving. Your compassion replaces anger with love.
Affirmations For Calmness; Affirmations When You Feel Afraid Or Nervous The Universe truly wants the best for you.~ Mark Farmer, founder, Lifesuccessengine.com
Your intuition and inner wisdom will always guide you.
The Universe truly wants the best for you.
Every challenge is an opportunity for growth.
You exhale tensions and anxieties; you inhale clarity and peace.
Every situation serves the highest good.
Affirmations For Overcoming Loneliness: Affirmations When You Feel Lonely.
You are wholly unique person who has much to share with those that resonate with you.
You enjoy your own company.
You use solitude for growth and rejuvenation.
You make friends easily.
You seek only those who appreciate and enjoy the real you.
You are at peace and happy when you’re alone.
You can always brighten another person’s day by doing something with them.
Affirmations for Reflecting On Your Own Value
You look only to your own values for your own value.
Instead of chasing, proving yourself to others or searching for attention, you absorb myself in impressing yourself
You are allowed to take up space.
Affirmations for Family
You are blessed with amazing family and friends.
“Family” are those who are healthy and care for you.
I belong.
I can love my family even when I don’t like some of them.

Affirmations for Relationships
Your life is a reflection of those who you hang out with. You invest in people for who you when you are around them.
You only invest in people who believe in and encourage you; those who inspire you.
You surround yourself only with people that make you a better version of yourself; people that bring out your best parts, love and accept you.
You focus on people who are going somewhere, who are positive, who return your energy.
You only accept people in your life who treat you well. Period.
Your friendships have a greater effect on your health than do diet, nutrition, exercise and genetics
You orient around the light.
You only associate with those who are healthy.
You fill yourself from a myriad of healthy sources.
You only associate with people who are healthy emotionally and spiritually,
People genuinely enjoy, love and appreciate you,
People genuinely value you and you perspective,
People enjoy you.
You orient around people who being around inspires and makes you feel more alive,
You orient around people who not only embrace who you are now, but also who you want to be.
Your “job” to please and impress yourself – your job is to just be YOU.
You focus only on questions such as, “Does that feel good to my soul?”, “Does that move me in the direction I want?” and “Do I want that in my life?”
There are many potential relationships who can make you happy
You are thankful that the wrong relationship are unavailable or have ended to free you up for the right ones.
Other’s offensive behavior is not due to you; it says something about them, not you.
Affirmations for Dating
Your great match is deeper than “available, interested and attractive.”
You deserve the attention of a LOT of attractive people, investing their energy in you and seeking your attention so that you can pick the right one for you.
You deserve someone unafraid to initiate, who is available, makes themself available and seeks your attention and time.
You deserve and will only accept someone honest, transparent and emotionally available.
You deserve someone who “gets” you.
You deserve someone who finds you compelling.
You deserve someone who responds and is physically available.
You deserve someone who believes in you, cheerleads and sees your best self.
You seek and only accept relationships that give more to your life than they take away.
You only accept healthy relationships with independent people who support each other in developing their own best version of themselves.
You only accept someone who meets your emotional needs.
You expect and only accept respect, dignity and love.
You immediately spot smoking guns and deal breakers, and easily move on.
You effectively communicate your needs from day one
You expect and only accept respect, dignity and love.~ Mark Farmer, Founder, LifeSuccessEngine.com
Affirmations For Decision-Making; Affirmations When You Feel Unsure
Your intuition and wisdom guide you in the right direction.
You have faith in yourself. You are able to make the best decision possible.
You have confidence in your decisions.
Even if you made the “wrong” decision, it will always lead you somewhere positive.
You need responsible decisions and consider how they affect other people.
Friendship Affirmations
Your friendships are meaningful, supportive and rewarding.
Your friends love you for who you are.
You are accepting of others; it helps you to establish long-lasting friendships.
You attract positive people with whom you quickly make friends.
You surround yourself with friends who care about you and treat you well.
Affirmations for Relaxation
You feel wonderfully peaceful and relaxed.
Each breath releases tension.
Your mind lets go of concerns you are unable to do anything about right now.
Affirmations Before Bedtime
You fall into a deep and relaxing sleep.
You are feeling relaxed, sleepy and are ready to fall asleep.
You will sleep deeply and awaken fully rested.
Social Affirmations
You’re excited about the amazing people you’re going to meet today.
You feel relaxed and comfortable around other people.
You’re easy to talk to. You are confident when you’re around others.
You enjoy meeting new people. You even seek out others.
You are outgoing. You can enrich other people’s lives.
Affirmations For The Morning; Affirmations to Start the Day
Today will be a fabulous day.
This day will bring only joy, fulfillment and happiness.
You have all it takes to make this day positive.
You face today’s challenges with courage and endurance.
You are excited to see what today holds.

Affirmations To Stop Worrying About The Future
You are optimistic about the future.
The future holds all kinds of pleasant surprises.
You trust in your ability to create a fabulous future.
You let go of worries and replace them with excitement, hope and optimism.
You have all it takes to make your dreams a reality.
Affirmations To Get Unstuck: When You Feel Stuck In Life
New and exciting opportunities manifest in your life all the time.
You always find ways to get back on track.
You believe in your ability to set yourself free.
You are in control of your life.
You believe in your ability to gain valuable insights from this situation.
If you’re feeling stuck in life, be sure to check out: powerful ways to unstuck yourself.
Affirmations to Encourage
You have faith in your ability to pursue your dreams no matter what.
You have believe in yourself when others don’t understand your dreams.
Your family and friends support me, even if they don’t share your dreams.
You help others to accomplish their dreams.
You have all the support and help you need.

Success Affirmations; Affirmations for Success
You are successful in whatever you do.
Failure always teaches you how you can become successful in life.
You leave no stone unturned to be successful.
You attract success.
You are pursuing your own definition of success.
To make small steps toward big goals is progress.
Affirmations When You Feel Not Good Enough
You get better with each day. Practice helps you to attain greatness.
You believe in your ability to overcome drawbacks.
You replace unconstructive criticism with encouraging support.
Perfection can be found in all your flaws.
You always give your best and are a good-hearted person.
Affirmations for Growth
Exercise your power, hold space for your value.
You’re open to new adventures in your life.
Your future is more than your past.
Your potential to succeed is limitless.
You are strong enough to make your own decisions.
You’re in control of how you react to others.
You’re courageous and stand up for yourself.
You’re free to create the life you desire.
You will succeed today.
Your life is full of amazing opportunities that are ready for you to step into.
Affirmations for Self Love
You are enough.
You’re worthy of love.
You love yourself deeply.
You let go of all that no longer serves you.
Your body is healthy, and you’re grateful.
You’re more at ease every day.
You’re calm, happy, and content.
Your life is a gift and you appreciate everything you have.
You surround yourself with positive people who will help bring out the best in me.
You choose to be proud of yourself.
You love yourself fully.
Affirmations for Happiness
You are overflowing with happiness, joy and satisfaction.
You deserve to feel joy.
You transcend negativity.
You don’t need someone else to feel happiness.
Affirmations for Healing
You’re allowed to take your time to heal.
All is well.
The point of life is balance, not perfection.
You choose not to criticize yourself or others around you.
You forgive those who have hurt me.
Difficult times allow you to appreciate good times.
You’re in charge of your life and will choose your path forward.
You’re doing your best and that is enough.

Affirmations for Change
You have the power to create change.
You know exactly what to do to achieve success.
Your life gets better as you get older.
You can do anything you put your mind to.
Affirmations for Self-Worth
You’re worthy of respect and acceptance.
Your contributions to the world are valuable.
Your needs and wants are important.
You make a significant difference to the lives of people around you.
You’re bold, beautiful, and brilliant.
When you allow your light to shine and unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
Affirmations to Stay Positive
Negative thoughts only have the power you allow them.
You can choose to see the good.
Anything can lead to something positive.
No amount of worrying can change the future.
These are some of the most powerful, life-changing affirmations we know of along with how to form your own powerful affirmations for health, wealth and love. How about you? Respond below and let us know YOUR favorite affirmations so we can add them to the list!

Whatever you want in life – to start a business, obtain a graduate degree, or find the love of your life – I’ve led thousands of people in reaching dreams just like yours. And I KNOW you’re capable of reaching success with the help of my coaching. Reach out now and I’ll even offer you the first session for free!
Mark is a master goal setter. He has done what he teaches… He wants you to succeed…~ Dick McLean
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