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  • in reply to: You can’t control everything that you’ve planned #4031
    User Avatarstephreid67

      HA! This hits home. A funny anecdote about control. I’ve had the link to Mark’s Life Success Engine for a long minute. I’d come and check it out, but I couldn’t figure out how to interact. And instead of asking Mark, which ya know derp!, I stewed about how I couldn’t make it work. Anxiety ratched up and then that stupid voice that tells me I’m too stupid for this shit showed up. UGH! Then Mark sent me a message and another link and voila! it worked. So really, my need for control had me missing out on a good thing. I think we call this a work in progress. BUT, instead of feeling stupid for not reaching out to Mark, I came here today and interacted. Whew!

      in reply to: Let’s share our goals! #4030
      User Avatarstephreid67

        Goals. To be unferal. Which isn’t a word, but I just made it one, so it stays. I’ve gotten into some really bad habits over the pandemic. Two years of mostly dealing with other people from the safety of my home office have made it difficult to interact in person. Meh.

        Short-term goals, relearn how to not growl out loud in public.

        Long-term goals, reintegrate with the public like a human.

        Mid-range goals, pick up a few more hours at my new, outside of my home office job. I want to buy an electric vehicle now that I can charge it at three different spots driving from Reno to Ely on lonely Highway 50.

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