10 Rules for Business Success

Explore endless opportunities in the world to find great clients. Focus, connect and only work with the right clients for your business success:
- Stop working with broke clients.
- Charge more than you think you’re worth: your clients will value you more and you’ll step up to the challenge.
- Focus on giving clients what they want. Stop trying to open eyes or convince them of the value of something else. Even if you’re right they’ll be unhappy: they didn’t want more, they wanted what they imagined.
- Your business is a reflection of the clients you take on. Surround yourself with clients who inspire you. Surround yourself only with clients that call you to be a better version of yourself.
- Stop giving energy to clients with businesses who are less successful than yours. Your business will grow when you focus on businesses that are growing.
- Don’t tolerate clients who don’t treat you well. Period. Don’t tolerate them for financial reasons. Don’t tolerate them thinking they’ll be stepping stones. Don’t tolerate them just to gain “experience.”
- Often the smallest clients are the most needy and demanding. Spot clients smoking guns early – deal breakers – and move on. Stop giving 2nd and 3rd chances to the wrong clients.
- Reach out to prospective clients only out of personal joy. If you’re to offer your value first find out if there’s an intersection with what they value. But YOU figure out FIRST whether you even want to work with them in consideration of their values and approach. Let go of any expectation of whether you’ll work together while YOU decide if you even want them as a client.
- You insult YOURSELF to pursue clients that are clear they are uninterested in your services.
- There are more potential clients in the world that you’ll ever have time to work with. A great client goes deeper than “has money and will hire me,” Focus on clients who genuinely enjoy you, “get” what you’re doing and want what you offer. Focus on THOSE.
Copyright © 2021, Mark Farmer
Life Success Engine – the Engine Driving Your Life Success: http://LifeSuccessEngine.com

Mark Farmer is a master life coach and business consultant helping high-achieving individuals/ companies (and those who want to become high-achievement) ELIMINATE doubts and step forward into the success they deserve. Schedule your free consultation here
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