
Goals set the destination. But what do you do when you don’t know how to reach that destination? If you are setting goals properly you are reaching for a success that is beyond your current comfort zone, beyond what you believe to be your current abi ties. By necessity many goals, particularly large goals, will be beyond your ability to imagine how you will obtain them. Don’t worry about.
“Don’t worry about it! Don’t worry about it!!! That’s what he says! Don’t worry about it!”
Yes, that’s what I say – don’t worry about it. In goal setting there are at least two forces that will be at work for the goals that you cannot fully see. First, are your abilities. We all have self doubts and self-imposed limitation that we weigh o selves down with. Quite simply we are capable of more than we pretend to be. We have greater talents, more brain power, and more stamina than we like to use on a regular basis. This isn’t being lazy – it’s being human! No one likes to live a life o constant struggle, operating at ultimate efficiency. We all enjoy some “down time.” But goals and goal setting allows us to focus our efforts, our talents and our abilities toward what provides the greatest pay off for us – what we have decided we wan in life! We are not delicate souls who must be protected from struggle. Trust yourself that you will rise to the occasion – you will find that you have talents and abilities that you’ve never even imagined!
Second, is the process of Faithing. Now we all know what faith is – at least intellectually. Faith is a belief in something that you cannot see, a trust that there is something there although perhaps intangible. The process of acting out your faith s “Faithing.” Faithing works no matter what your denomination. I believe there to be a God, but even if you are atheist, or don’t believe in the god that I do, Faithing will work for you. As I have said before, many people call it different things – he Infinite Is,” “Providence,” the “Universal Mind.” Some call it fate. Regardless of whether you believe there to be a “force” behind it or not, the fact is we do not have to have everything in this world figured out. And that goes for your goals to Just because you cannot see how exactly you will eventually achieve this goal does not matter!
Again, “Faithing” is a verb – it requires action. Here’s how you do it: Even if you don’t know how you’ll eventually accomplish your goal, START IT ANYWAY! Yes, yes, I know: “Scary!” That’s where the faith comes in. First, simply say to yourself, I will do as much as I am able to do. I will just have to trust God (fate, the Infinite Is) to handle the rest.” Then begin! We do not have to handle all of the problems on our own. Some problems will work themselves out. Some things we imagined to e problems may not be so at all. Perhaps divine intervention will solve other problems. What ever your faith, goal setting is a wonderful way to practice it. Do as much as you are able to do then trust God (fate or Providence) for the rest!
Next, trust that when you have gone as far as you can see you will be able to see a little further. I liken the process – and it is a process – to taking a long journey. Your goal, the big one you can’t see exactly how to accomplish, is the destinati . Imagine yourself starting on the trip. The road you travel is a series of hills and – some mountains. Because of the uneven ground , the uphill climbs, you cannot see the end of your journey. You will reach the peak, the end of where you could see he road ahead. And it may be scary if you thought that was the end of the road. But trust that when you get to the peak of the mountain you will be able to see further along in your destination. As you reach the top of the first hill you will see a l tle further. As you climb the second hill the same process still occur, and when you reach that peak you will be able to see a little further towards your destination.
Along your travels you will meet people. I believe that this is one of the primary ways in which God (fate, providence) works. I have always been surprised by the people that I have met along the path of my journeys. I guess some people just enjoy h ping. At times you will meet people are simply going the same way you are and help support you in your journey. Sometimes I’ve sworn that I’ve met angels. But as you go along your path one thing is certain – you will meet people who will help you in ur efforts.
“Magical” circumstances occur. People call it “luck,” but in fact I don’t believe it’s luck at all. George Bernard Shaw said it well when he said, “I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.” W. H. Murray said that when one commits then Providence moves too. “A whole stream of event issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents nd meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.” If you have placed yourself in the right place at the right time then it ain’t luck!
Sometimes it will be a hill in front of you. Sometimes it will be a mountain. Trust that the fact that you cannot see the end of your journey means nothing – certainly NOT that you shouldn’t start the journey! You will meet people that will help, yo will have “chance” happenings – trust that you will. Begin it! Start now! And don’t worry if your haven’t gotten everything figured out. You will succeed!
Copyright © 2001, Mark Farmer, Right to reprint automatically granted as long as accompanied by this notice and live Web link to
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