Don’t Fear Struggle (Move Forward Anyways)

This past week I was at the University of Washington (UW) campus, in Seattle, Washington, at twilight, an incredibly beautiful place to shoot video; an incredibly beautiful time to shoot video.
I’d been shooting for a while, struggling to get just the introduction for a new six-part goal setting course I was putting together onto video. It had been the seventh or eighth day that I had been shooting. It was probably the 20 or 30th time just that day that I was trying to get through my script.
I laughed to myself, thinking how funny it is – for all of us – that when we see OTHER people accomplish something, we automatically assume how easy it must have been for them to have achieved that success.
None of us are privy to the amount of effort and struggle, the amount of self-doubts, that other’s success takes. None of us are aware how many times that they screwed it up before they achieved their success.
We all assume that success “must” come more easily to others.
Seeing reality is a central tenant of my philosophy to life success: be willing to screw up. Be willing to make mistakes. It’s more important that you figure out how to take steps forward… than it is that you strive for perfection.
For every person’s accomplishments that you see online, on Facebook, or social media, it may seem so easy for others; you may ask yourself, “Why does success always seem so easy for others to achieve?”
The fact is that we’re all out here struggling in our own ways, dealing with our own inner doubts or mistaken thinking that holds us back. We all are making mistakes, just working for success.
Look, I hope that whatever your life’s dreams are that you set them to paper, figure out the best way that you believe you can get from where you stand to where you want to go. Then just START on the journey. Don’t worry about perfectionism. Don’t worry about doing things “right.” Don’t worry about what other people say. You just take steps forward.
Whatever your heart has been set on, your goal has been placed there for a reason. And you should trust your heart and start on that journey.
Work towards success, step-by-step, and do not give up unless and until you’ve decided that you no longer want what you thought you wanted; or unless you know you’ve started moving in the wrong direction.
But trust when you’ve been inspired to a goal that was planted there for a reason. Trust that success in that goal – even when you’re in the depths of struggle, even if you’re unsure what you’re doing, even in creeping doubts that you actually want it – trust that achieving the goal holds gold for you; that you knew that you needed success in this goal when you set the goal. Be very reluctant to let go of your goals.
The fact is that we’re all out here struggling in our own ways,
dealing with our own inner doubts or mistaken thinking that holds us back.
We all are making mistakes, just working for success.~ Mark Farmer, Founder,
If you’ve been given the dream, it’s my firm belief that you’ve been given the power to achieve the dream.
I look forward to seeing you on working on your goals. Subscribe and sign up for notifications for regular fuel for your life success engine; post a comment about your goal so we can all pitch in and support you. I’d love to hear from you!
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