Commitment Is Not A Decision

Many (most?) people believe that “commitment” is an intellectual decision that you make. People wrestle with their psyche, “Am I going to do this?” “I feel like giving up.” “Boy, today was hard, maybe I can just forget about my promise today…”
Commitment is not a decision.
People talk about “commitment” as though it were a thing. “Yes,” they’ll say, “I didn’t make a commitment.” as if “commitment were something they could have built from a few spare parts or bought the ingredients at a store.
Commitment is not a thing.
People assume that commitment is something in a limited quantity. That, if it’s there, it’s there in abundance and if it’s not, well… then what we wanted wouldn’t have mattered anyways.
Commitment is not a quantity.
People talk about commitment as though it were some magical property. “Well,” you often hear, “I guess the commitment just wasn’t there.” As if either it would have been or it wouldn’t have been.
Commitment is not something that’s either there or it isn’t.
Your dreams will not realize themself on their own. And, to realize any dream of any substantial nature (and aren’t those the only one’s worth dreaming!?) it will take commitment.
Commitment is not a decision. Commitment is not a thing. Commitment is not a quantity. Commitment is not something that’s either there or it isn’t.
“Commitment” is an action.
You have been blessed with a dream important enough to you to place on electronic paper in front of thousands of others. You had the courage to spell out what you wanted. It’s time to make the dream real.
Reassert your commitment every time you take action towards your dream. If you’re met with doubts or fear or confusion TAKE ACTION. Doesn’t matter if it’s big or small, but take action.
Don’t mistake the false ideas you’ve been taught about “commitment”. Thoughts are neither here, nor there. Ideas have no substance. Commitment is not a decision. Commitment is not a thing. Commitment is not a quantity. Commitment is not something that’s either there or it isn’t.
Commitment is an action.
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