Be Willing to Get Lost

Something most people think is negative: being lost
You naturally feel lost if you’ve lost your bearings; lost your sense of direction. You struggle, tentative and unsure where to go from here: how to go from here.
Yet when we are lost, it also forces you to pay attention to the moment. If you’re quiet and willing, if forces you to pay attention to your instincts. If you’re present it offers the opportunity to learn.
The fact is, if you have ever been lost in a big city or a foreign land… you also likely made some wonderful discoveries while trying to find your way.
The same is true for life.
Be okay if you get lost. Don’t panic. Certainly don’t denigrate yourself, believing that powerful, or knowledgeable, or good, or intelligent people “don’t get lost.”
Being lost, sometimes, IS the journey.
Be lost: go down paths you never would have thought to otherwise. Find out things about your self that you would never have found out elsewise; find out things about yourself that are amazing.
You will discover unknown talents in your self; you will meet friends or allies who otherwise would have remained a mystery.
Because being lost now doesn’t mean you will be lost forever.
It simply means you are taking your time in finding your way, and also allowing the world around you to give input into the path which is best for you. And it is often that input – input we would have never, otherwise, have dreamed to ask for – that find your true path.
Copyright © 2015, Mark Farmer, Life Success Engine – the Engine Driving Your Life Success:
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