Your Top 3 Steps To An Unstoppable Success!

Three things. If you were limited to three, just three top suggestions for success… what would yours be?
I posed exactly just that question to the Community. Here’s their responses, THEN I want to hear YOUR “Top Three Things for Success!”:
Heather Boo: “Eat healthy, work out, sex… not necessarily in that order.”
Maggie Fukuda: “Include putting things in the calendar… except I completely miss the double checking part. I missed several exercise classes that way just because I forgot to double check the time and then reviewed in the day after and realize I could have made it.”
David Quasha:

- “Connect intently with at least one person you love/like. Ask them something and really listen to the answer.
- “Eat well (including hydration) – this is easier than most people like to think. We all know when we are eating like an asshole, and we mostly all know what is a better way to eat. If i had to get specific on this item – id add: try intermittent fasting at least once for a few months. The benefits are substantial.
- “Strength train (move some weight).
“If i had a 4th – I’d put quality sleep – and I agree that this is different for everyone, as far as idea bedtime and length of sleep – I do quite well with 6 hrs./night regularly. Used to be I need more, but I mostly CAN’T sleep more than that. I will occasionally grab a 15-minute nap, but no more than that.)
“I like the question. It’s hard to answer without all 4^ …and btw – #1 can apply to love, friendship and/or business.”
Ki’aha Long: “Eat a balance meal… workout.. read or stay in the loop of the world events….”
Kristy Yamashita Kono: “My 3 things I ‘should; do each day: Eat healthy, exercise, always be game ready for anything!”
“Drink water, exercise, and read Mark Farmer posts for entertainment, enlightenment, and to restore my faith that people still know how to write and spell!” ~ David Borsellino
Gregorius Tee:
- “Sleep well
- “2 cups of joe in the morning.
- “Take a big dump an hour later.
[Editor’s note: Gregorius is a well-know jokester whose humor frequently revolves around bathroom humor, lol.]

Alfred Collins:
1) “work on my diabetes
2) “make sure that I don’t have another heart attack
3) ”live long for my family.”
John Asing Jr.: “Pray.”
Huyen HN:
“For me: 1) plan to go to bed at 10:30pm but it often turns out at 1:00 am as there have always been so much things to do 2) exercise or at least walking a little bit but it is often too cold to go out 3) get rid of all negative or bad things happened and think positively (this one I often achieve:))”
Dan Platko:
“Meditation/prayer/quiet time 2. Workout 3. Gratitude and thankfulness then go get it!”
Alice Salcido:
“Stay off Facebook. Cook my own food using the best ingredients. Minimize work.”
Rose Leal:
“Meditation, exercises, sleep well, eat healthy food, etc. I try my best.”
Colleen E Madden Holt:
“Wake up get to work on time.
“Do the best job you can.
“Go home and take of your family.”
“Eat, sleep, laugh,” ~ Julia Martinez Candy
“Take a ride on my Peloton, work hard and drink scotch before bed,” ~ Timothy Tenney
“Burpees, too: they can be done anywhere, anytime! Cardio is king!” ~ Dan Platko
“Maybe not in the top three, but a lot of people forget that taking care of your teeth now will pay dividends in the future.” ~ Cliff Freeman

And finally, Life Success, here’s mine, Mark Farmer’s:
1) Get to bed at whatever time you sleep best for how ever much sleep you need. Me: bedtime around 10:30p, at least 7.5 hours of sleep (fact: I rarely get to sleep before 1a and am almost ALWAYS sleep deprived w/6-7 hrs. of poor sleep a night)
2) Plan tomorrow. (Fact: although I’m organized in calendaring items, I almost never check my calendar the day before; rarely specifically plan how I’ll get things done tomorrow)
3) Exercise. (I just feel SO much more confident when I’m regularly exercising; as well as deeply affecting my level of depression or happiness)
~ Mark Farmer
How about you!? Please name YOUR top 3 things you should do each day for health or success!?
Your Partner in Success,
~ Mark Farmer
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