The Top-10 Reasons for Not Setting Goals!

Published August 26, 2020 by Mark Farmer in Life Success
goal setting success
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Who needs goal setting!? 99% of the world doesn’t use them. Many people don’t even know about the idea. Here’s the Top 10 Reasons to ignore goal setting!

#10)  Improve, hell!  There’s NOTHING that needs improving in my life!

#9) If all those famous people can get away with not doing it… then why do I need to be responsible for my life!?

#8) I’m just too busy focusing on distractions right now to really focus on what matters.

#7) I’m doing my best to hold up my end of the bell curve. :/

#6) Because that Mark Farmer guy might actually call me on my excuses for accepting less than success!

#5) I find that the best way to keep from failing is to never try in the first place

#4) Because my latest theory on success is that it’s best done alone, without planning and without support

#3) Because, heck, if I succeeded once I’d just expect myself to do it again on the next goal

#2) Set a goal!?  Are you kidding?  If I can’t lose 10 pounds, attain a college degree, find my future spouse and earn a million dollars overnight, then why bother!?

And the #1 reason for not setting goals?

#1) My life just might change.

Don’t be like 99% of the world. Don’t ignore one of your most powerful tools FOR life success. Don’t give in. Succeed. ™

Copyright © 2001, Mark Farmer, Life Success Engine – the Engine Driving Your Life Success:

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1 Response to “The Top-10 Reasons for Not Setting Goals!”

  1. Odmaa
    August 26, 2020

    Great tips! Love it 🙂

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