The [UPDATED] Precepts and Principles of

Published April 10, 2020 by Mark Farmer in Life Success
The Principles of Success
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The Precepts of

1.  You don’t have to just wait to see what happens in your life.  You have the power to choose the results you want in your life and work towards them.  Your actions, the way you choose to frame your perceptions, and your attitude hugely influence your circumstances and ultimately, the results of your life.

2.  Both who you are and what you’ve experienced thus far in life, have given you gifts, desires and a perspective that is, in combination, completely unique in all the world.  “Unique in all the world” is another way of saying “priceless.”  You are priceless.

3.  The world NEEDS your gifts and your unique perspective.  You hold a singular perspective from your past experience, from the way your genetics have programmed you to think, from the specific experiences you’ve had in the past.  Your inner talents, gifts and passions ARE the answer.  Other PEOPLE are stuck or challenged and need your unique gifts and your unique perspective.  As has been said, what we do for ourselves dies with us; what we do for others and the world is immortal. 

THE WORLD NEEDS THAT.  The world needs you.  Your success – the fact you’ve made it this far; the singular perspective you hold and the priceless value you and your perspective have – is desperately needed by someone else here in this world.  Share it; and other’s will share theirs with you.  Together we rise.

4.  Your “life’s purpose” or “life mission” involves four components: 

  • Using your unique desires, gifts and perspective;
  • In a manner that gives you profound joy;
  • For the benefit of others;
  • While creating something larger than existed before.

5. You are in exactly the perfect place in your life to begin your journey to success and in your life’s goals, right now.  You will realize at the end, despite appearances to the contrary, NOW was best time you could have started the journey.  You have everything you need – right NOW – to start on any success you could imagine or desire.  Even if your goal is so large you don’t know how to get there; even if it’s so large you don’t have all the resources you need right now, you STILL have what you need to START.  Everything else – needed knowledge, assistance and resources –you’ll figure out along the way. 

6. The single most important step is just taking the first step (even before you know if or how you’ll succeed).  The most important step is action, not planning, not study or learning, not goal setting.  You can plan until the end of the earth and not foresee or prepare for everything eventually needed to reach success.  You could spend the rest of your life learning or planning out goals… but unless you take ACTION you will never reach success.  Action is and has always been the sole required ingredient for success.

7.  The next most important step will always be to just take… the next step.

8.  If what you imagine the next step is, is too large or too difficult to accomplish… then that is NOT the next step.  Divide the next step into smaller steps, look to other steps that you CAN achieve, empower or strengthen yourself as the “next step” to be able to take the step after that, or brainstorm a new solution.  Allow the Universe a say in your next step as magical coincidences and epiphanies; unforeseen assistance come your way.  Allow coincidence, enthusiasm and motivation; and what step(s) you CAN do point to what your “next step” is. 

9. If you’re “stuck,” that only means that you’re not taking action – most often the immediate and obvious action that is right in front of you (and that you probably don’t want to face or are trying to ignore).  Take what action you can and assuredly you will see another direction or step after that.

10. People are more important than results.  If your “next step” involves hurting, being dishonest or using other’s against their needs or desires for your own… either the goal or the next step needs to be changed.  People are always more important than results; and any true success is not at the expense of others but, instead, lifts them as well.

11.  “Failure” is never the end of the story.  “Failure” is ALWAYS temporary: other steps will present themselves to you after temporary setbacks IF you choose to look for them; if you believe in your ability to succeed and if you choose to continue stepping in the direction of your dreams. “Failures” reveal what won’t work (or won’t work yet), helping you realize there is another way; or helping you realize what you don’t want so that you can more precisely realize what you do.  .  “Failure” is an erroneous label for what is simply another step to your inevitable success.  And knowing that your success is inevitable allows you to simply enjoy taking steps, whether each step “succeeds” or “fails.”

12.  Step confidently in the direction of the success you have imagined.  Take confident, creative, persistent action in the direction of your success and your success is inevitable:  You cannot NOT eventually reach success if you just keep taking the next step towards it.

13.  You are already a success.  You have everything you need for the moment; you are a complete person as you are.  You’ve made it this far and your record for getting past days and problems that felt overwhelming has been 100%.  You will succeed in this day too – perhaps not in reaching the exact destination you’d chosen… but in learning more about yourself and the world; in deepening your resolve and, in your direction from here. 

14.  Evolution and growth, not “improvement.”  Henry Ford, the inventor of the first mass-produced automobile, said if he’d have asked the public what they wanted, they’d have answered “faster horses.”  “Improvement” is not producing 11 widgets today when you produced 10 yesterday.  Evolution is realizing there’s another way that doesn’t require widgets. 

Growth and evolution are natural and not dependent on effort, if you remain willing to learn and change.  And it’s as easy to evolve or learn from watching others as it is from your own effort.  In fact, it’s more efficient to improve by leveraging others’ success than inventing the entire path yourself.  When you know better, you do better.  And there is no necessary quality in struggle – success is success whether hard or easy.  Don’t fall into the myth that success only comes from work.  It doesn’t.  Growth occurs naturally if you remain willing to change and open to learning from others; open to learning from the results of your own action. 

15. presents breathtakingly beautiful and simple information and tools for functional, efficient, success.  Many a pop-psych “success” advice is dysfunctional.  “Never depend on anyone,” or “You must believe before you achieve” is NOT functional advice – none of us succeed without someone else’s help; it doesn’t’ matter if you “believe” you can save $10,000: if you save $1000 a month, in 10 months you’ll have $10,000 whether you believed you could do it or not.  Many of the products and gimmicks offered elsewhere don’t do anything except setting you back by draining your money or wasting your time. focuses ONLY on information and tools for functional, elegant and efficient success. 

Copyright 2020, Mark Farmer,

Permission to share is automatically granted as long as reprint includes full attribution and live Web link

Permission to share is automatically granted as long as reprint includes full attribution and live Web link: Copyright 2004, Mark Farmer,

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