How to Change Your Life Completely in 5 Powerful Steps

No matter whether you are content in life or you believe you could do better, here is how to change your life completely in 5 powerful steps.
No matter where you stand, no matter what you face know that your actions matter and can affect where you stand. You have immense power; an ability to change more of your life than most people will admit. But you’ll have to both be willing to dare AND use effective methods to do so.
Simply setting the typical social-media “goal” to “do my very best this year!!!!!” or “live each day like it was my last!!!!” *sounds* wonderful – and TONS of people will tell you “Atta Girl!!! SO POWERFUL! Yes! yes!”…. because they’ve always posted such impotent, “feel good / accomplish nothing” affirmations themselves. But such affirmations only set you up to keep getting what you’ve been getting and end your next year without much changing.
You have the right to expect yourself to tangibly make your life better in the next year.
But that means you’ll have to take action.
Name Your Success
Start by naming a specific, measurable result. Break it down into steps. Base your action plan off of daily steps towards that named result. Don’t expect perfection. Give yourself a deadline to shoot for but make it a realistic deadline (start, but don’t necessarily hold yourself to the same schedule, by googling how long it takes others to achieve a similar result).
It’s the measurement of direction – “am I going in the right direction?” – and daily re-commitment to action (taking whatever action you are able – nothing changes without action) that make the difference. Hold yourself accountable, daily.

“Will power is an ACTION, not a decision.”— Mark Farmer, Master Success Coach
Will power is the secret. “Will power” is NOT a decision. Will power is an action. Decided to exercise? That’s not will power. Actually exercising – at 10pm at night, because you forgot to this morning, and you’ve finally finished much of your day and even though you still have other things you’d hoped to do – IS “will power.”
Remember: will power is not a decision. It’s an action.
Break it down:
“I want to run a marathon.” Great goal. Google “run a marathon for beginners” (or, really, nearly ANY goal you could think of). You’ll find plans already laid out. In fact post your goal to the Mastermind and ask me and I’ll help you construct a custom, personalized goal plan free of charge!
Do NOT “set a goal to run EVERY day” – THAT IS PERFECTION AND NO ONE IS PERFECT. Yes, DO, set a goal to “run 3 days a week” allowing and defining success as something less than perfection. That is both reasonable and realistic. And, oddly enough setting a realistic, human goal actually sets you up better for success than rigid expectations of flawless perfection.
IF you’d like help turning a dream into a goal;
If you’d like to make a feel-good affirmation into an actual, achievable goal;
If you’d like support in honing your thoughts into an actual, real, change for your life this next year, post your thoughts to the comments below or the Mastermind here, and I – and others – can lend their support.
Whether it’s New Year’s Resolutions, the start of a 21-Day Challenge or simply your choice at a new start, here’s how to change your life completely in 5 powerful steps for YOUR success this year!

If you are ready to discover your life’s passion and develop it into the career you have always wanted, reach out now! I have led thousands of people in reaching dreams just like yours. I KNOW you’re capable of reaching any success you dream of with the help of my coaching. Reach out now and I’ll even offer you the first session for free!
—- Start here, start now! —-

“Mark’s deep coaching skills are profoundly insightful. As a coach who shows up fully and authentically, there is no stone he leaves unturned to help his clients see for themselves the highest future vision of themselves.“
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