Happy New Year!
Are you content in life or do you believe you could do better? Know that you CAN change your life.
You have immense power; an ability to change more of your life than most people will admit. But you’ll have to both be willing to dare AND use effective methods to do so.
Simply making New Year’s resolutions, even setting a “goal” to “do my very best this year!!!!!” or “live each day like it was my last!!!!” sounds wonderful – and TONS of people will tell you “Atta Girl!!! SO POWERFUL! Yes! yes!”…. because they also have always posted such impotent, “feel good / accomplish nothing” affirmations themselves. But such affirmations only set you up to keep getting what you’ve been getting and end up next year without much changing.
You have the right to expect yourself to tangibly make your life better in this year.
But that means you’ll have to take action

Start by naming a specific, measurable result. Break it down into steps. Base your action off of daily steps towards that named result. Don’t expect perfection. Give yourself a deadline to shoot for, but make it a realistic deadline (hint: google your goal to find how long it has taken others to achieve a similar result).
It’s the direction – am I going in the right direction? – and daily re-commitment to action (nothing changes without action) that make the difference. Hold yourself accountable – daily.
Will power is the secret. “Will power” is NOT a decision. Will power is an action. Decided to exercise? That’s not will power. Actually exercising – even if it’s 10pm at night, because you forgot to do it this morning or that you’ve finally finished your day because you had so many other things to do is “will power.”
But remember: will power is not a decision. It’s an action.
Break down what you intend on doing this year into steps:
I want to run a marathon. Great goal. Google “run a marathon for beginners” (or Google, really, nearly ANY goal you could think of). You’ll find plans already laid out.
NO, do NOT “set a goal to run EVERY day” – THAT IS PERFECTION AND NO ONE IS PERFECT. Yes, DO, set a goal to “run 3 days a week” or something else that equals more than you’ve been doing but not expecting perfection.
IF you’d like help turning a dream into a goal; making a feel-good affirmation into an actual, achievable goal; if you’d like support in honing your thoughts into an actual, real, change for your life this year, post your thoughts below and I – and others – can lend their support.
If you’re REALLY serious let’s set up a completely FREE coaching session so you can get a touch of the massive progress that I’ve helped others, just like you attain in way less time than you imagine!
Regardless, here’s to YOU and your success this year!
Copyright © 2018, Mark Farmer, Right to reprint automatically granted as long as accompanied by this notice and live Web link to http://LifeSuccessEngine.com
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