Don’t Use a Stapler When You Need a Hammer

A couple of words about tools:
Last night while trying to hang a picture, I realized I needed something to hammer in the nail. I grabbed the nearest thing: a stapler.
Did a fine job of damaging the wall. Just about ruined the stapler. But I’ll be danged if I could get the nail in…
Tools are can be funny things we know they’re there to help us do things, but sometimes we lose sight of what particular tools are for.
Goal setting, “Mastermind” groups, even the Life Success Engine Forums are all only tools. And, like any tool, there are ways to use them effectively; and ways to waste their power.
Here’s how to use the tool of “Life Success Engine Forums” most effectively:
1) Detail your actions.
Time and time again I’ve seen it: people who use their post to set a goal, then never really talk about WHAT they’re doing to reach it.
Simply setting a goal is NOT a magical process. That alone will not get you success.
Success takes action, and the more you can detail WHAT action you’re taking, the more we can support you and brainstorm HOW to get you to where you want to be.
Post your actions and your daily feelings.
2) Tell Your Whole Story, Not Just the Highlights.
Don’t just use your forum to document your action or successes. Share a little of your inner thoughts and struggles. Talk about your fears. Share your losses and temporary failures on the way to your Challenge success. If there is any place that is full of people that care about your dreams and your soul, it is TLS.
3) Post daily OR MORE OFTEN.
By posting daily, you’re doing several things: you’re holding yourself accountable, you’re building momentum, you’re bringing other people with other knowledge, wisdom and experience into your journey and opening yourself to their gifts of wisdom and help.
Make a commitment: post daily or more often, REGARDLESS of what action (er… or inaction) you did today.
4) Participate in other’s Challenges.
People. Always were the key to success, always will be. If we limit ourselves to only our energy, knowledge and effort, we’ll ALWAYS be limited in the results.

When you open relationships with others and invite, accept or encourage interaction with each other toward your dreams you multiply the results of your actions.
Support others: offer your help, give your wisdom, add your encouragement. You cannot give without receiving. Give.
5) Use the Forums as a resource.
There are tons of conversations saved and catalogued on the LSE Forums. Nearly any topic under the sun has been discussed, brainstormed, or achieved in one of those conversations.
Join as a Member and use the Forum’s powerful “Search” button (located at the top of every page except the front page) to search the topics for information, resources and ideas on YOUR dreams.
Look for info regarding your goal, about dealing with fears, about getting unstuck or just about anything else and you’ll find TONS of proven information!
6) Use the Forums for Inspiration and Motivation.
Think there won’t be any tough day’s in this road to success!? If you’ve selected a goal worthy of your talents and abilities there is SURE to be challenges that spring up.
If you find yourself in a day where you’re feeling down or doubtful, POST IT. Let others know how you’re feeling.
THEN go search the Forums or the main site ( ) for some inspirational articles or posts. There are literally hundreds of them.
Use the forums to motivate and inspire yourself.
7) Lastly, let me know what else I can do to support you in success.
The whole forum has been set up to support your success. If something’s missing, if you believe there’s something that would help us do that, if you’d like to see something LET ME KNOW.
I want you to succeed. I’m pulling for you.
Commit today to making this happen. Commit to using the tool you’ve found, the Total Life Success Forums, the most efficient way you can.
Here’s to success, YOUR success,
Mark Farmer
Copyright © 2005, Mark Farmer, Life Success Engine – the Engine Driving Your Life Success:
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