60 Second Goal Setting

Published April 28, 2020 by Mark Farmer in Life Success
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Setting a goal doesn’t need to be a long, soul-searching process. Some of my best goals have been goals I set without thinking about my aims and desires for hours. Sixty second goals both fight procrastination and inspire action.

What’s a 60 Second Goal?

Sometimes, too much time spent on setting a particular goal leads to too much thought. Although I, above everyone else, encourage people to lead a thought out and purposeful journey towards ultimate success, I also recognize that sometimes too much though interferes with action. We question ourselves how bad we really want this particular goal, fears (or ego) make us set too high or too low a goal, or we get stuck in dreaming instead of doing. Good goals set out the needed actions without wasting energy on “hopes” or “dreams.” Good goals motivate immediate action.

Good goals, effective goals, have only a few steps. Go grab a pen or pencil and some paperand we’ll do this together.

Got a pen and paper? Good. Heck, we’ll even include that time in the sixty seconds…. (time: 15 seconds)

First, name the result you want. Think numbers: how much? How many? You need a marker for success and most goals can be measured by numbers. If you want to be the best salesperson then set your total sales as a goal. An athlete can set the number of pounds she will lift, or the time it will take to complete a race. Parents could measure the number of bed-time stories read to their children or the number of hours they have played with their kids. Look for a number you can use to measure your success in reaching your goal. Name the result. (time: 10 seconds)

Decide when you will accomplish this goal by. Go on, set a date! I know, I know, this is the scariest part. Setting a completion date or time actually COMMITS you to doing this! Scary! Go ahead, do it anyways. (time: 5 seconds)

Next, make up an affirmation. Set your goal into words. Make it positive: “I will,” “I have,” “I am….” Make it a complete sentence. “I will only use positive words tonight while talking to my spouse.” “I will begin biking tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m.” “I will write five letters today to relatives.” You get the picture. (time: 15 seconds)

So far, so good. Write your affirmation on a 3×5 card or other piece of paper THAT IS DIFFICULT TO LOSE! Write it down and look at it. Read it. Got it? Good. Stick it in your pocket. Pull it out again and look again. See it? Good. Repeat pulling out and looking action several times a day! (time: 15 seconds)

Total time? Sixty seconds! Give it shot. Some of your best and most rewarding goals can be set in sixty seconds.

Copyright © 2000, Mark Farmer. Right to reprint automatically granted as long as accompanied by this notice and live Web link to http://LifeSuccessEngine.com

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