30 Minute Success: Your Daily Success Routine
Good Morning! Ready to change your day with a 30 minute success daily routine!?
I wonder what’s going to happen wonderful today!?~ Winnie the Pooh
Jump on up out of be and start your morning routine!
Get a foundation for success under you and start the day with a high: 30 Minute success!:
- First, grab at least 10 minutes of meditation, prayer or deep breathing (get the lungs filled with fresh oxygen!) Yea, right there in the bed (if you’re meditating or praying, at least sit up… I know you you’re going right back to bed otherwise…)
- Next, knock off at least 15 minutes of exercise. Walk. Lift some light weights. Heck, go jog a mile. Yea, I know this might be a major pain in the butt. It’s a major accomplishment – this morning’s high. Plus, it gets the endorphins flowing, the heart pumping. I don’t care if you don’t feel like starting, after you’ve done it, you’ll KNOW you accomplished something good for yourself. Now stop arguing and go do it!
- Then eat whatever you set aside for breakfast last night! (If you didn’t set out anything last night, grab a piece of fruit or a bagel and some yogurt.) It’s the breakfast of champions – namely you!
- Review today’s “Top 3″ (Don’t fill up a list with 10s of “to-do’s” – Just choose the most important top 3, leaving space for unexpected or greater gifts of success! In addition to whatever your work load is, focus on your personal top-3 and let the rest be a bonus!)
- Lastly, check yourself out in the mirror, making sure your hair and clothing look good, then tell yourself that you love yourself. Yes, you. In the mirror. Looking yourself in the eyes. (Think I’m a geek for making you do this? Doesn’t matter 😉 I love myself and I tell me that every morning in the mirror!)
Mid-way through the morning it’s time for a “30 Minute Success Break”!
(Use to replace your old “coffee break,” “smoke break” or “water cooler break.”
- First grab a tall glass of water. Yea, I know, water’s not the first thing you might be used to grabbing on your break. But you need it anyways (and it’s a heck of a lot better than anything else you might grab!).
- Next, take a stretch. (If you’re embarrassed, head to the bathroom or the stairwell – less spectators there!) Crouch down as if you were picking up a penny with a deep bend in the knees; and then stand up smoothly and put your imaginary penny up on a high shelf with both hands. Repeat it 3 times. Finding a penny is lucky. Doing the penny-pincher stretch is smart.
- Then, grab a quick affirmation. Got a presentation coming up? Psych yourself up. Exercising after work? Repeat to yourself that it is a conscious choice for health. Find an affirmation – any affirmation – and repeat it, oh… about 20 times…
Done with the day? Good job!
As long as you’re just finishing with your “no-nonsense, work attitude,” polish off a couple of quick tasks – 30 Minute Success – that’ll set you up well for tomorrow:
- Pack a quick, healthy lunch for tomorrow. Throw in some finger veggies or fruit and a vitamin pill. Outta sight, outta mind. You’ll be glad you did this, tomorrow.
- While you’re in the kitchen, grab a quick glass of water. I don’t care how much you had to pee today – you still need more water.
- Now hang up today’s stresses and focus on a relaxing evening (even if you’ve got things you have to do). Start by giving your spouse, your kids, your pet or yourself a hug. As good as you’re doing, you all deserve one.
- Straighten out the living room – an uncluttered room reflects an uncluttered mind! Gather up the things you need,. Put them in the car or at least in a bag if you can. (And yes, that means the car keys!)
- Set out breakfast. It can be a box of cereal, some fruit or yogurt with a spoon, set out in the ‘fridge. But get something together and ready. People who succeed think ahead and set themselves up for success. That mean’s health and nutrition too…
- Set out what you’re wearing tomorrow. Getting ready in the morning is SO much easier when you’ve set out that day’s clothes. Even if it’s jeans and a t-shirt, you’ll feel neat, ready and spiffy.
- List your “Top 3″ things you choose to accomplish tomorrow. Yes, yes, I know, you want to list 10. Or 20… Or 50… Don’t. Just the top 3. The rest get to be bonuses.
- Have a talk with yourself: What would you like to have done better today? What did you do right? (Come up with more things that you did right than how many you’d like to do better! Now praise yourself – what do you like about yourself? Oh yea… and tell yourself you love you. Someone needs to say it – might as well be you.
Got some extra time? Log in to the Life Success Engine Forums. Don’t surf all (morning, afternoon, evening), but jump in there and get your daily dose of inspiration and motivation. Connect with some “do-ers” like yourself. Get in, connect, and get out – use the rest of today to focus instead on in-person relationships, getting something enjoyable in and doing!
Remember: success is not only achieved in the huge, laborious work or a daily slog. A half-hour of focused ACTION – your 30 minute success – provides a base of stability, rejuvenation and perspective to your day and adds quickly to substantial results in your life!
Whatever you want in life – to start a business, obtain a graduate degree, or find the love of your life – I’ve led thousands of people in reaching dreams just like yours. And I KNOW you’re capable of reaching success with the help of my coaching. Reach out now and I’ll even offer you the first session for free!
Mark is a master goal setter. He has done what he teaches… He wants you to succeed…
~ Dick McLean
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