Stephreid67! You can’t imagine (or maybe you can) the smile on my face when I logged in today and saw your name 😀 Fun, fun, fun to see you here.
Have been talking with Odmaa about this topic, too: control. She’s working on a HUGE goal for herself, Green Card application. She’s been hugely stressing out about it. I was trying to understand why it was causing such anxiety in her, then realized there was a disjunct: all this time she’s been visualizing it as a “product” goal, something to hurry up and finish.
Knowing the size and complexity of the goal I’d always visualized it as a *PROCESS* goal: it’s one of those goals that’s so large and has enough of it OUT of your control that… the best you can do is start at “A”, proceed to “B” and work your way through the maze, until you finally get to “Z.”
But SUPER hard to let go of control when we are working on a goal that means so much to us.
Loving your point, Jeffrey about letting go of control. Thanks for kicking this discussion off.