A Stitch in Time (One Step at a Time)

Published July 31, 2020 by Mark Farmer in Life Success
step by step to life success
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Aside from the realization that you can change your life by choosing your destination, the single most important decision you can make is to approach that destination step by step.  The “Step by step” approach:

  • Allows for a flexible approach to your goal
  • Removes counterproductive self-criticism and judgment from the equation
  • Breaks goals down into do-able steps
  • Empowers and inspires you
  • Acknowledges that there may be temporary failure
  • Allows for a success larger than you planned or imagined
  • Allows for fate, the Universe or God to play a part


Step by step allows for a flexible approach, because life changes.  Life changes.  One of the few guarantees in life is that… things change.  A static approach, locked in stone, often only stymies growth and prevents you from reaching your goal.

Remove Judgment

“Step-by-step” takes counterproductive self-criticism and judgment out of the equation, decisions and results are no longer “good” or “bad”, they are only a step closer or not.  Taking the last step didn’t get you closer?  Then what’s the next step?  Gone are recrimination, judgment, self-criticism and other negative and counter productive judgments that only keep you stuck.  The sole question becomes “What’s the next step?”

Breaks Success Down Into Do-able Steps

Often, when confronted with a huge, desired success, the “how” becomes a block to even taking any action at all.  “I can’t figure out how to do this,” the thinking goes, “so why bother starting at all!?”  The “hows” for our large goals will often be something we can’t figure out until we’re well into taking action.  By approaching goals step by step, and by only focusing on the next step, you can let go of the “hows” and accept that the process of reaching unimaginable success necessitates reaching a new peak before we can see further, and then another peak after that to see even the next step (and so on).    

Empowerment and Inspiration

“What is the next step?” is an empowering and inspiring question, no matter where in the journey it’s asked.  The question “What is the next step?” affirms that success is possible and that we are capable.“What is the next step?” is a question that promotes creativity.  “What is the next step?” promotes problem solving.

Acknowledges That There May Be Temporary Failure

With a traditional goal-setting method, failure often results in dis-empowerment, dejection and depression.  “It didn’t work.” we think, as if temporary failure were some sort of terminal event.  With a step by step approach, we accept that there will need to be multiple steps:  if a result doesn’t get you success, what is the next step?  If an answer is “no”, what is the next step?  There are bound to be failures and set backs.  But the step-by-step approach allows you to not put too much expectation or disappointment on any particular step; in any particular answer.  No matter what the result; no matter what the answer, there will be another step you can take to reach success.

Allows For a Success Larger Than You Planned For or Imagined

If you think you have all the answers… you’ve doomed yourself to a result no bigger than you can imagine.  The Universe has a success in store for you not only bigger than you imagine, the Universe has a success in store for you bigger than you CAN imagine.  Don’t pretend you have all the answers.  You have desires and goals.  Go for them and move in their direction, step by step.  But, along the way, accept that life has more in store for you.  Allow for a success larger than you imagine.

Allow Fate, the Universe or God to Play a Part

The most successful of people talk frequently of the place fate, coincidence or God played in their success.  Only the most egotistical of people discount being in the right place at the right time.  There are amazing ways you will succeed.  Don’t insist that success come to you only the way you imagine it.  Approach your success step by step and allow for amazing coincidence, chance meetings and fate to play a role in your success. 

In the end…

By approaching your success and your life’s vision step by step it empowers you immensely, while depriving you of nothing.  First set the vision, then begin on the journey focusing only for the moment, on the next step.  Your vision will become reality; each success will be superceded by a larger, when you approach success… step by step.

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