Dealing with Self-Doubt and Developing an Unwavering Belief In Yourself

Published July 24, 2024 by Mark Farmer in Mind
woman facing her self doubts, standing in the surf
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Everyone experiences self-doubt from time to time. It’s part of life. The important thing is that when you do experience self-doubt, you handle it in the right way. This will ensure that you can overcome it and get back on the road to success in no time at all. Keep reading to find a few ways to deal with self-doubt when negative thoughts arise.

Now consider what it would be like to simplify things again. By believing in yourself, amazing things happen.

You Show Yourself Respect

When you doubt yourself, you run yourself down. You’re saying you’re not good enough or smart enough to know what you’re doing when in truth, you are. You wouldn’t allow someone to do this to your best friend. Why would you do it to yourself? Instead, by choosing confidence, you’re also choosing to acknowledge just how awesome you are.

You Learn About Yourself

We all have a lot of knowledge we’re not even aware we possess. This knowledge is an accumulation of wisdom we’ve collected in our lives that we tap into when making decisions. When you trust your instincts, you discover just how much you truly do know.

You Push Yourself

Sure, some decisions are easy. History tells us exactly what to expect when we make them. But when you take a leap of faith into unwavering self-confidence, you’re also challenging yourself to see how much you truly know and just how right you can be. It is a pretty powerful feeling.

You Gain More

Nothing is ever gained by standing still. When you hesitate because of self-doubt, you’re going to miss all kinds of possibilities. Lack of confidence keeps us from trying new things. After all, if there’s no chance of success, why even try? But confidence knows you’ve got what it takes to seize an opportunity when you see it.

You Learn Tenacity

When you don’t trust yourself, you tend to avoid the hard decisions entirely, stalling out any progress in your life. By choosing to believe in yourself, you keep going, learning how to hang in there during the rough stuff. This is also where you achieve real growth as an individual.

You Feel Motivated

When you’re down on yourself, it’s easy to think there’s no point in even trying. Self-doubt will drop you right into depression if you’re not careful. But unwavering self-belief creates optimism. The whole world looks brighter, and you can’t wait to be part of it because you know you have what it takes to succeed there.

Developing an Unwavering Belief in Yourself

Developing an unwavering belief in yourself IS possible. With practice and by taking each day step-by-step you will gradually develop your “Self-Confidence Muscle,” while building belief in both yourself and your ability to handle what comes up. After all, so far you have a 100% record of dealing with what life has give you.

Here are some ways you can exercise your “Self-Confidence Muscle”:

  • Resolve Not to Compare Yourself With Others

Often, thoughts of self-doubt come when you compare yourself to someone else. Resolve in advance not to let this happen.

  • Remember the Past is the Past

Many people experience self-doubt when thinking about the past. Whenever the past comes up in your mind, remind yourself that it is over and done with. If you dwell on the past, it will make self-doubt worse.

When it does (which it probably will at some point), remind yourself that you aren’t the other person. They have a journey completely different from your own. Look at how far you’ve come on your journey. Your journey is yours and yours alone.

Look towards the future and all of the plans you have instead. It can also help to list all the things you are grateful for in the present.

  • Remind Yourself that Failures are Lessons

Everyone will have failures at some point in their life. This is inevitable. When you experience a failure, you will likely have some thoughts of self-doubt.

Don’t let these get you down. Instead of focusing on the negative, resolve to focus on the positive. Run through the lessons you have learned to feel confident you won’t make the same mistake again.

  • Have a Support System

There is nothing worse than experiencing self-doubts and feeling alone simultaneously. You should do everything in your power to have a support system in place when these doubts start to creep in.

The support system doesn’t have to be physical. It could also be a forum or an online support group. Either way, it should be someone you trust to talk to when the going gets rough. They can help remind you of what an amazing person you are and the journey you’ve embarked on to get where you are. 

Overall, battling self-doubt when it pops up is never easy. If you follow the four suggestions on this list, you will find yourself well equipped to deal with self-doubt when it does arise. Before you know it, you’ll be back on your way to achieving your dreams as your confident and amazing self!

Life After You Develop Self-Confidence

Every day we make dozens of decisions. Our whole day is nothing more than a series of actions, one after another. We’re used to it because this is part of what it means to be an adult, right?

With self-confidence we begin to see opportunities to better our life and accomplish more. We trust in our innate worth. Rather than becoming worn down by the challenges of life we, instead, find new opportunities to grow and evolve.

With the absence of self-doubt and a newfound belief in yourself life becomes easier.

Whatever you want in life – to start a business, obtain a graduate degree, or find the love of your life – I’ve led thousands of people in reaching dreams just like yours. And I KNOW you’re capable of reaching success with the help of my coaching. Reach out now and I’ll even offer you the first session for free!

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Mark is a master goal setter. He has done what he teaches… He wants you to succeed…
~ Dick McLean

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