60 Second Goal Setting: Part II

Published May 1, 2020 by Mark Farmer in Life Success
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Last week we set out the process of 60 Second Goal Setting. If you haven’t read that article you can read it first here. In that piece we set a measure for success, decided on a time to accomplish it, then made and wrote out an affirmation – all steps to goal setting that can be done in about 60 seconds. There’s a second part to sixty second goal setting that just like the first fights procrastination and inspires action. Here’s 60 Second Goal Setting Part II!

Now that you’ve done the hard work of setting a goal (and in 60 seconds no less!), you started the ball rolling. Now we need to honnor and solidify the foundation we set for reaching whatever goal we have choosen. This week we give momentum to our goal.

The second part of 60 Second Goal Setting is this: in the next 60 seconds do something that begins your goal! It’s that simple. If your goal was to go biking tomorrow morning, go – get the bike and set it by the door! If your goal was to read 10 times to your kids, then go now and choose the first book you will read! Going to run a 4 hour marathon? Great! Take the next sixty seconds to set out your training regimen! Whatever your goals was, BEGIN IT! Take SOME first step towards it in the next sixty seconds!

Now, you don’t have to work more than 60 seconds (of course if you want to you should feel free!) It’s not the amount of time you work you do at one time that reaches goals, it’s persistence – and persistence is just 60 second periods over days, weeks, or years. Enough sixty second periods strung together until you accomplish the goal of your dreams! Remember, success is a process! And every goal – ANY goal – can only be accomplished sixty seconds at a time! Start now and return to this article after sixty seconds of effort towards your goal.

Done? Great, give yourself a pat on the back! Feel proud. You have just done more than 95% of the world – you have set a goal and begun it! You have spent your first sixty seconds working towards success. You are that much closer!

Whenever you find yourself giving in to procrastination, whenever you find yourself dreaming more than doing or hoping more than helping your goals, break the spell by practicing a 60 Second Goal!

Copyright © 2000, Mark Farmer. Right to reprint automatically granted as long as accompanied by this notice and live Web link to http://LifeSuccessEngine.com

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