
Published April 12, 2020 by Mark Farmer in Mind
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Visualization, also known as “Creative visualization” is the ability to use your imagination to see images in your mind in order to attract, manifest or make the images come true.

All people use visualization, either consciously or unconscious in everyday life. By becoming more conscious of your visualizations you can harness the power of your mind in creation. Visualization can alter environments and circumstances, cause events to happen, attract money, possessions, work and love, change habits and improve health.

As every human-made invention or building was first imagined prior to being built, visualization is the natural process of the power of the thoughts. Thought is the matrix or blueprint; the feelings provide the energy, the “electricity”.

Although “visualization” can utilize any of our senses (touch, smell, hearing, sight, and taste) it tends to focus on visual images due to both physiology (we gain approximately 70% of our feedback about the world visually) as well as personally (most people tend to imagine visually).

  1. Set your goal (decide on something you would like to have, work toward, realize or create). first choose goals fairly easy for you.
  2. Create a clear idea or picture of your goal, or a feeling of the object or situation exactly as you want it. think in the present tense. Making an physical picture is optional step, not at all necessary.
  3. Focus on it often bring your idea or mental picture to mind often, both in quiet meditation periods and also casually throughout the day when you happen to think of it. This way, it becomes a part of your life, becomes more of a reality. Imp: focus on it a clear, yet relaxed way. Not striving too hard or putting an excessive amount of energy into it (I think you already know this), because that tends to hinder rather than help.
  4. Give it positive energy make strong, positive statements to yourself that it exists. see yourself receiving or achieving it. How long to continue with this process – until u achieve your goal or no longer have the desire to do so. remember, that goals often change before they are realized, this is a natural part of human process of change and growth. if you lose interest it may mean that it is time for a new look at what you would like to obtain.
  5. Create the ideal brain state for visualization by synergistically combining the emotional energy from your mid brain, the focus from your left brain and the playfulness from your right brain.
  6. It may help to sit or lay alone in a quiet place, where you will not be disturbed, Relax your body. Breathe rhythmically and deeply several times.
  7. Use in your imagination all the five senses, such as sight, hearing, touch, etc.
  8. Put feelings and emotions into what you are doing.
  9. Practice at least twice a day, about 10 minutes each time.
  10. Keep an open mind, so that when the opportunity to materialize your desire arises, you will recognize it and take advantage of it.
  11. When you achieve a goal, thank the universe for fulfilling your requests, give yourself a pat on the back and acknowledge consciously that the job is completed.

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