
Affirmations are short, positive statements, often said aloud, as a way of focusing your mind on a desired outcome — feeling, event or object — that you would like to bring into your life.
Affirmations are more powerful when they Include your name or identify that it is you that want this Are framed in the positive (what you want, rather than what you don’t) Are framed as if you already had the outcome
Here’s one effective format for your affirmations: Quote: My name is Mark Farmer and I am going to have a successful on line business. I am Mark Farmer and I have a successful on line business.
By including your name (and twice, no less) you are cementing to WHOM this outcome belongs to. With this format you’ve both stated what you want and phrased it as if you already had it.
Powerful stuff. Quote: My name is Mark Farmer and I am going to earn a million dollars in the next year. I am Mark Farmer and I am earning a million dollars in this next year.
One tip: to REALLY make your affirmations powerful SAY THEM OUT LOUD. Not only will you be cementing the outcome in your conscious, you’ll cement it in your sub-conscious by allowing yourself to hear the outcome.
SERIOUS about reaching the outcome? Repeat your affirmation 50 times in the morning after arising, 50 times in the evening prior to going to bed, and as much as you can during the day.
Affirmations may be best used as a foundation, something to return to, time and time again, in time of need (not necessarily “times of weakness” or “times of despair” — “time of need” could be an incredibly powerful moment, when have moved forcefully forward in my life).
Tony Robbins “spin” on that same theme is to use them as “anchors” (although, certainly, there is much more to NLP anchors than just Robbin’s use of them with affirmations).
What are affirmations I’ve used consistently and powerfully? In times of trouble or doubt, “No matter what happens, I’ll be okay.” In times I’m moving forward: “I can. I will. I am.” In times of confusion: “God will just have to take care of tomorrow. All I need to focus on is the next step.” In response to my own other other’s doubt (e.g. in answer to the inner or outer voice saying “you can’t do that…”) : “Watch me.”
More traditional affirmations? “I am wealthy beyond my recognition.”
“All I give comes back to me.”
“I focus on my joy.”
What is the Difference between writing/saying Affirmations on a regular basis or not at all? ….. There is hardly no difference between how much, how often or the way you do your Affirmations. The Bottom line is…… Is whether you Believe and Accept your Affirmation to be True. That is what makes the real difference.
I think that the previous Teachers of Affirmations left out an explanation. For simplicity’s sake, they left us with a statement that “Affirmations are Powerful” and that’s it. Now, a Human being goes through a mental reasoning before he/she accepts things. If it cant find any strong reasons, it will be hard to accept those things. To be honest, if the question was asked “How do Affirmations work?”…. Majority of us are clueless and are left scratching our heads. If we cant find any solid answers why or how affirmations work, it’ll be pretty hard for us to chew upon or believe in.
Ok take a deep breathe…. good…. I have a scary statement for some of you…………………………………….. Here it is: “Affirmations are simple form of Brainwashing” ………………. Now that is a scary statement for some, let me rephrase that to : “Affirmations are simple form of Psychological Reprogramming” The above statements are scary because we human beings don’t like the idea that we are not in Control of our lives. We don’t like the idea of slavery upon ourselves (don’t get me wrong, we are born free and have free will).
Let me open your eyes and tell you that you’ve been Brainwashed/Psychologically programmed since birth. Anything you came in contact with the outside world since birth was an influence in your life. Your parents, friends, school, country, religion etc… The best example is the Media entertainment who brainwashed and shapes our society’s thinking. Go try explaining to your 5yo that Mr.McDonald is a bad person because he’s contributing unhealthy diet habits to your 5yo which will result of a certain percentage of your kid developing heart disease or obesity in the further future. Psychological tactic are implemented everyday in Marketing, Political, Defense force to even Seducing an Individual for personal gain.
I always come across an individual who states about affirmations “I feel it had/has no effect” however they did their affirmations in front of a mirror, written,spoken or meditatively. I think it was in the book “Threshold of the mind: by Bill Harris” where a scientific study was done to mediators hooked up on an EEG measuring their brain waves states. At the end of certain sessions, some mediators stated that they didn’t Achieve proper meditative states. Now the Scientists with the EEG result, confirmed the the individuals who commented that they didn’t achieve the desired result, actually did achieve a higher results than the norm. The Scientists concluded that sometimes our Subjective feelings are wrongfully misinterpreted compared to the actual Objective/Real Results.
I had a group of weight lifting buddies. Within 3 years we saw tremendous results. We all achieved are goal of benching 100 kilos except for one who benched 60-70 kilos for the whole 3 years. His size didn’t change, his strength stayed at 70 kg. and in the end stated that “there was no change and felt, him lifting weights had no effect.” That was his subjective feeling, but in reality I can guarantee that he has a higher bone density than before and that his muscle to body fat ratio is way better than before. So you may feel that some Affirmations had no effect at all, but the reality is that there is some result. We sometimes are like that little child who planted a seed and then dug it up the next day and was disappointed with the results. Some Affirmations have certain time frame to its fruition. Its just a matter of nurturing it and watering it daily Doing affirmation is not a holy grail, even vegetarians who dedicate their life to eating healthy still get sick
Back to the missing explanation on how affirmation works… You see, when you constantly repeat something, over and over and over again. Even without logic reasoning you will start to believe in those things that been said. When you reach the point of believing then according to Napoleon Hill you can start achieving. Yes, sometimes doing your affirmations can be boring, saying/writing them for hours,daily,weekly,monthly,yearly, endlessly. But the more you do, then you will start believing and materializing your affirmation to fruition.
Remember my statements that we have Free Will and we get Brainwashed/Psychologically programmed every moment?………… I have made my own decisions (free will) to be brainwashed (psychologically programmed) for the better good of me so that I can produce Positive results in my life and the life of others by doing my Affirmations. Would you not want to reprogram yourself, by yourself? or Would you want others to do it for you and dictate how to live your life?
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